“I have used Anne’s service 3 times. The first time I stayed in Europe for an additional 3 months after finishing a job in Austria. I bought the full European Package. Anne sent me a box that included letters, envelopes, a notebook to keep track of everything, labels, fax, email and contact information for every country. It was fantastic! I simply put the letters in the envelopes, put on the labels for the company or agent and my return label. I initially did a mass mailing for all of the countries in which I wished to audition. The response was overwhelming! I received far more auditions than I could possibly do in 3 months. I was offered jobs in Wuerzburg and in Italy. Incidentally, I had a friend who lived in Munich for a year during the same period but decided to do it on her own (She used Musical America and stayed on after I returned). She did only 4 house auditions during that year and a handful of agents. She is an excellent singer. The only difference I can see is that she did not get enough exposure.
The second time I used the service for Germany only and was there for a short time. (2 weeks). It wasn’t long enough to do much but I did 4 auditions. (1 house and 3 agents, one of which I still use)
The 3rd time I tried to do the printing etc myself however unless you are very electronic savvy and have the patience, I do not recommend it. Anne was amazing and patient with me in my endeavor. However I highly recommend receiving the hard copy of everything. It is so much easier and much more time efficient!
Either way you go the service is excellent. It will help you maximize your exposure and therefore maximize your auditions!!
I can’t say enough good things about the support you will receive if needed. The last time I used the package I think I called almost daily. I was always met with patience, humor and support.”